So I came up with a new racial feature that I think fits thematically and I really like. What's funny is the inspiration came from a thread I was reading on Homebrew WoW Races in D&D 4e. Later on I realized that the thread was started by Dust, but I didn't realize it until after I read through it all. I just thought it was ironic.

Anyway, since foxes are elusive by nature and I've already tried to come up with powers/abilities to reflect that I took a liking to the Gnome power that gives a bonus to saving throws against certain conditions. So, I'm proposing the following Kitsune Racial Feature:

Natural Escapist: You gain a +(4 + half the number of tails you possess, rounded down) racial bonus to saving throws against immobilized, restrained, and slowed conditions.

Right off the bat, it's on par with other races that have +5 to saving throws against certain things, but has potential for improvement if you decide to invest in racial feats. (A level 1 Kitsune would have +5 as it starts with 2 tails.) I had considered making it +(3 + the number of tails), but since other racial saving throw bonuses don't scale I thought it was important to not make it really unbalanced.