Quote Originally Posted by GolemsVoice View Post
And the bureaucrazy is ALSO backstabbing itself.
Intentional typo?

Quote Originally Posted by GolemsVoice View Post
It seems this can be a very fast process at times, and since you'll likely travel a few month to your destination, much of the training can be done en route. On the other hand, there are plenty real-world examples of schism and arguments over faith. Maybe these are the same people who become NOD commanders in Command&Conquer?
I'm not so sure about the basic training since it requires far more resources and space that would be available aboard a ship, even one as cavernous as a 40K Navy/transport ship (Astartes battle barges or similar vessels seem to be an exception, judging from Imperial Fist descriptions in Space Marine).

Since IG are better trained and more disciplined than PDF troops, I'm assuming a higher level of training: going by US army requirements, it can last from 16 to 62 weeks depending on specialisation, although I suspect that most IG regiments are basic infantry rather than specialists, so they'd have shorter training periods.

Arguments over faith by IG commanders seem a bit odd to be in the 40K universe, especially with an active Church Militant (the Ecclesiarchy and the Adeptus Soritas) and the near religious awe that the Astartes seem to inspire in the common Imperium soldiers and citizens.

Question - in Dawn of War 2, the Blood Ravens had issues interacting with a planetary governor, who subsequently turned out to be a heretical traitor. Leaving the betrayal aside, would an otherwise loyal governor be so difficult and recalcitrant when dealing with the Astartes, or would they generally defer to them?

I believe that space marines are technically autonomous to the Administratum, but for practical, political and tactical reasons, they're often willing to co-operate, or at least listen to its requests?