Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post

We already have over a hundred awesome student societies!

I made it spoilered because it's not really on topic and people who come here for support might not want to hear about stupid frat things. Which is definitely reasonable!

Anyway, I'm hoping that the alumni thing won't happen. First, because I think Irish universities get way less from alumni than US ones do, so they don't have as much influence. Second, because I hope that if some alumni put pressure on like that, other alumni will put pressure on the other way ("I'm a high-powered, rich woman who came to college through an access program for people from bad areas, and if you let these people do this, I will stop giving you generous donations."). And third, because there aren't any alumni who actually went through a frat, since it'll be brand new, so none of them will have loyalty to the frat like in US colleges.

And I agree about the past, but I was focusing on the 1950s as my example, and, bad though things were, women in western countries were at least considered people by then!

Extremophiles are bonkers! We got a talk recently about ones that live on black smokers on the Mid-Atlantic Rift. Crazy stuff.
More frat stuff.
That's a good reason to spoiler stuff. I'm a wee bit slow this week due to pain and opioids.
Likewise a wee bit slow in regards to the alumni thing. It seems I had forgotten the fact that it's a new frat when I brought up wealthy alumni. But yeah, they are an issue over here in some places.
I don't know why people romanticise the 1950s. They were kind of boring. They didn't even have Tetris, let alone Pokemon. (Weird rambly train of thought brought to you by I just woke up.)

I do like extremophiles. (I forgot they were called that. That's a much handier word than describing a list of neat critters to convey the idea.) And now I have a pile of Wikipedia pages open again. I do like Wikipedia.

Quote Originally Posted by Kid Kris View Post
Okay, I'll admit it. My mind read the phrase "circle jerk frat house" and went somewhere completely different to what the actual reality is.
Took me moment to figure that one out.

Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Does no one else use "circle jerk" to mean "bunch of gob****es all sewn up, helping one another and making each other feel more important than they are"? We use it for stuff like "Oh, the developers fund the politicians and then the politicians make nice to the developers. It's just a big circle jerk.".
I haven't heard that before, but then, I haven't heard "circle jerk" before either. Your use of it does make sense, though.

Yesterday my mum said something like, "You are talking to a self-avowed asexual, you know," to somebody I was talking to. So at least she's willing to humor me even if she does think I'm just repressing my sexuality, or whatever she thinks.