Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Ryou is an amazing character. The Bakuras are the most interesting shared-body, of the three. I never liked Yugi, although Yami is my favourite of all (what a voice!). Yami Marik is just a psycho. But the Bakuras? That's interesting stuff. Also, hot as all get-out.
I like Yugi, he's a good kid. Yami-Yugi is definitely an excellent character. Voice is incredibly sexy. (Which dub did you watch?) But Bakura definitely got the looks.

No, no! Airing your view is fine. I just disagree, I don't mean to push you from the conversation. I'm glad you shared, because now I know that some people really do just feel more comfortable with only same-bodied people around. Which is way more sensible in a lot of ways than the previous arguments I've heard.

I still believe it would be overcome by an upbringing in a culture that didn't place so much emphasis on gender segregation and shaming natural functions, but that's fine, we can just disagree on that if you think it's built-in.
I'm with Kender, but due to your input (and a couple of other people I've talked about it with) I would change my restroom design plan from one big unisex restroom to one big unisex restroom and two or four small one-person restrooms.

Quote Originally Posted by Triscuitable View Post
Yeah, I did. After ten minutes of silence.

Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
Welcome to the friendzone. The drink is over there, there's a large sofa to lounge on and later on we'll pull down all the curtains and listen to Pink Floyd. I find that "Animals" is the best album - there's nary a happy tone on it.


It happens. It gets better - after a while you stop getting your hopes up and more do it as an exercise in masochism.

(Bitter? Who, me?)
Ooh, can I come? Pink Floyd is my favorite. What do you have to drink?