*hugs everyone in want or need of a hug*

Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
Birchgrove, they keep the prostate. There are so many nerves down there that it's just not worth the risk. Must be a cause for some cognitive dissonance if a trans woman gets prostate cancer. Link: http://positivelyaware.com/2008/08_04/safer_sex.html
I see.

Well, there are at least one or two good things about having a prostate. (Can't go into detail here.)

BTW, cis men can get breast cancer. It's something of a pet peeve of mine.

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
*also hugs to Birch, who I forgot to mention earlier*
*hugs Astrella*

Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
So...I walked in on my girlfriend (Yes I actually attempted a committed relationship) cheating on me (not curtains, just making out) with another guy and joined her. The dude was okay with it. She was not. Five minutes later I'm single again, loving it, and laughing my arse off.
*bro-fist* So gonna do it if it ever happens to me...