Quote Originally Posted by Rogue Nine View Post
Players 1 and 2, may I ask you to consider joining Sigil?

Sigil*, the City of Doors, the center of the Multiverse, the jewel of the Outlands! Want to share a drink with a Tiefling, debate a Deva, or start a bar-brawl shoulder to shoulder with Fiends, all in the same day? Then Sigil is the citiy for you. With so many portals festooned along our toroid-shaped city, you have ease of access to everywhere (as long as you have the keys of course).

We've got monsters, angels, men, elves, even a floating skull or two (note: just one. Morte is enough. Trust us.) All are welcome, as long as your intentions aren't conquest... and your coin is good of course!

*Some people call it "The Cage", but that's just because they are trapped here for all eternity. That won't happen to you. Just don't piss of the Lady of Pain.
Well, there are some real problems in just outwards saying what town you belong / are in.