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    Ogre in the Playground
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    United States

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXXIX: There is no Pegasus Mafia!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    I foresee a world where everyone's facebook accounts is connected to the cybernetics internet; just by looking at someone you can see their status, if they're looking for relationship or a conversation, or even if they just want to be left alone.

    You could eat at a shopping mall and put up a digital sign saying 'Bored. Talk to me?' and thus silently invite passerby to sit down and have a conversation. Your cybernetics would also import contact lists, music tastes, friends - "Oh, you know Robert? I was in high school with him!". Filters could similarly be put up; members of a brony group for example would see other bronies clearly while keeping it hidden from others.

    There are privacy issues, naturally, and having this kind of information freely available about everyone would redefine human social conduct. I also see it as the most logical and inevitable conclusion of the advances made in facial recognition/photography, portable computing, facebook and social media, and biotech advances.

    I think it'd be fascinating. Privacy issues, identity theft, all problems as usual, but it seems the logical conclusion of the direction our technology is heading in.
    If I might promote a game somewhat related to this line of thinking?

    dont take it personally, babe, it just aint your story Yes, that is exactly how it is spelled

    It's a visual novel, but there's only one major branch point and the whole game probably takes 2-3 hours to get through, tops. I can't comfortably judge the value of the teenagers/sexuality plots (they seemed well done to me, at least), but the technological angle of the story offered me an incredible moment of pause at the ending.

    And the requisite addition of pony:
    Last edited by AlterForm; 2012-03-06 at 10:05 PM.