Vardheim - First Contact
"So you do, then you must have been following me a lot longer. Tell me, what do you know about me, that I don't tell you things you already know. And on your name, I'm afraid that I can not speak your language and can not pronounce your name succesfully. Is there anything else I can call you, or should I keep calling you 'Little One'?" He asks, a tiny smile curving along his ashen face.

He didn't understood what, but there was something the young noble liked about the sparrow sitting on his shoulder.

A PM with some info about the young noble that the sparrow could've picked up is making it's way to you now.

Vardheim - The Lunaeri
Soon the Lunaeri are spotted by a Vard sentry standing guard on the wall. If the Lunaeri are observing the wall they see a figure rushing down from the wall and - after half an hour - there is a small commotion at the open gate as ten Vardr guards march out of the city, a Vard in particularly rich garb with obsidian eyes in his ashen face walking in front of them.

The procession halts about fifty paces away, to not seem threatening to the Lunaeri, and the rich-garbed Vard walks up to the Lunaeri emissaries with one bodyguard on his side.

"Greetings and welcome to Vardheim, strangers," the rich-garbed noble calls out, bowing to the Lunaeri. "I am Jarl Methem Blackborne, Second of the Third Level. Who do we have the honor of welcoming and what brings you to our fair city?"

The Void - Alorn and Heimvard
As Heimvard lets go of the hand of Alorn. I would be honored to see at the very least a temple in your honor in Vardheim. And while I do not intend for my children to be warlike I agree that sometimes we must study warfare, if only to defend ourselves and those we hold dear.

On another matter, I have just enough power left to bind myself to the Guardians, so I would ask an audience with Agone, the chief deity of your pantheon.