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Thread: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Barcelona, Spain

    Default Re: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

    There's also a new Lupin III 13-episode TV series that's missing on that chart. Looks good, even if I never really got into Lupin.

    Otherwise, I have to go on a PV-checking rampage before deciding on what I'm watching (or, more accurately, not watching, judging by my winter-induced procastrination so far), but Hyou-ka is a shoe-in in any case because KyoAni, and the two noitaminA shows look and sound good for a change. Other than that, it's wait and see, although Uchuu Kyoudai sounds appealing at first sight.

    Edit: oh, and the A Channel OVA. That too. And Fate/Zero S2, obviously.
    Last edited by NeonBlack; 2012-03-09 at 02:38 PM.