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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.4: Would've liked to perform experiments on seashells.

    Quote Originally Posted by Candle Jack View Post
    That co-operation was only achieved through the use of Reaper tech. Your peaceful accord relies on the intervention of immortal robotic abominations from dark space. They're quite content to blast each other out of the sky otherwise.

    Wholly incorrect.

    Geth had NO desire to rebel when they gained self-awareness. Conflict only started as result of Quarian leadership shooting first. Geth even after being attacked still desired peace and tried to hide/placate the Quarians. When that was not tenable, Geth only fought until Quarians were driven off. They had no desire to destroy them.

    Later the Cooperation is NOT a result of reaper tech. The geth continued to want peace. See Mass Effect 2, we learn the geth have been preseving the planet FOR the Quarians when they return. They are still open the Quarians returning.

    Things only come to a head after the Quarians start yet ANOTHER war of aggression against the Geth. In the end the only reason the reaper tech "Helps" is because it stops forces the Quarians into a position where they can't destroy the Geth.

    If you fail to get them to cooperate, the Geth only continue their attack after getting the reaper tech because the Quarians STILL refuse to stop attacking them.

    The entire conflict is 100% on the shoulders of the Quarians at every point. The Geth never do the attacking, ever. If you could get the Quarians stop being ***** about the whole thing without giving the Geth reaper tech, it would have ended just as peacefully.

    The idea that Synthetic life somehow inherently goes on "DESTROY ALL THE FLESHIES" rampages, is not supported in the game at all.
    Last edited by Mr.Moron; 2012-03-09 at 05:23 PM.