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Thread: Young Justice (Spoilers)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Young Justice (Spoilers)

    I thought it was a really great episode. What i thought they handled really well is the fact that they managed to make me believe TWICE that wally had failed. Now that's some excellent use of tension building.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    Regarding the new episode:

    That seemed extremely pointless. Who builds flying fortresses capable of freezing over an entire continent just to knock off a 10 year old? Why wasn't there an organ bank closer than across said continent? It seems like the only point of the episode, despite some very minor and heavy-handed character development for Wally, was to show that Hugo Strange is crooked, which we already knew.
    Things to consider
    First off this is a Queen we are talking about. Bumping her off would mean bringing an entire country under their fold. An entire country could more than recoup them for their losses.

    Second, If they did not use such an elaborate distraction, that heart could have had the escort of actual justice leaguers. Instead of dealing with Kid Flash, they may have been dealing with the real flash, or superman. They might have even had a member or two watching over the hospitol as added protection.

    Third, I might also point out that the effects of the fortresses knocked out the zeta tubes, which would have allowed the league to instantly transport the heart in just a few minutes.

    And Really not every episode has to have a lasting effect and contribute to the light's end game. I mean like the halloween episode... that didn't have any real point to the larger storyline except for the character develop and the interests that the episode held on its own. This episode is no different. Character development for wally and a fairly well directed story
    Last edited by slayerx; 2012-03-10 at 09:47 PM.