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Thread: [Nexus] Temples of Dalachrech I

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    Pixie in the Playground
    The Alexandrian's Avatar

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    Dexter's Laboratory

    Default Re: [Nexus] Temples of Dalachrech I

    [Underside Temple]

    Sylvia doesn't quite know what to make of all of this new and frightening information. She knew they'd stolen her once... But twice! No! This is her new home, as humble as it is. They wouldn't get away with it!

    "Ssso you bought usss from people who might hurt you and sssteal usss back for money?"

    Sylvia finds it odd that one as kind as Charynrae would support such an evil, ruthless practice!

    "I don't underssstand how people like that sssurvive. I mean, I'd have killed at leassst two or three of them if they hadn't ssstumbled upon me while I was asssleep."

    Oh! One, Two, and Three must've given the slavers considerable trouble in capturing them! That's why they were so quick to unload them on Charynrae and didn't even try to barter!

    [Riverside Temple]


    Toy is here where she was dangling from the ceiling up until a minute ago. Seeing as Azurelle and Despair were probably gone for a good few hours, her arms are quite sore and her wrists would be bleeding slowly were she not already accustomed to sleeping in a position similar to this one. 'S funny how the body quickly acclimatizes to such factors!

    She gives a shrill "Yipe!" sort of yip when she is touched, half expecting Azurelle to violate her again while she is stuck to the ceiling, though she doesn't see why such an action would be even remotely desirable to a rational being.

    And then, she is released! Oh joy!

    She takes to rubbing her red, blistered wrists without delay before even her blinders are removed.

    "A whip, Mistress? Why, I wouldn't know. I have never tried one out before."

    Shouldn't be too difficult, she assumes. She's seen slavers with the IQ of a goldfish use lashes like pros, so it couldn't be hard to figure out.

    [Elezibethele's Chamber]

    Mine is here, probably, so long as Elezibethele is here. Where else would he be? He is super-duper attached to her! Literally, even!
    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2012-03-11 at 03:01 PM.