Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
Nice dragon! I don't really have anything to add, not being the dragon drawing king or anything. Maybe try a more interesting pose, let us see the design a bit more and get a feel for it?
Thanks, I'll consider it for something down the line. The design is basically a simplfied version of the one in the tutorial, which was just for heads, but I can try a full body one sometime. Dragons aren't high on my priorities right now, I just felt like a change from ponies for a bit there. Gotta start work on my humans soon too.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
On Big Mac, I don't have anything to add that you haven't already noticed. The proportions are the major problem here. Still, kudos for trying without a reference. One thing you might want to do is instead of not using a reference at all, you only peek back at the reference every once and a while throughout the stages of your drawing to make sure you aren't committing any major mistakes in anatomy and proportions. Kind of a less intensive reference base then copying a complete figure/pose, but not completely abandoning all references.
It's an idea, though that is in fact how I do a lot of my drawings. Often the reference pics are in another window while I draw with Photoshop in full screen. Seems to have worked out so far.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
On the other drawing,
Wow. That *is* a hard pose. I can't think of any ideas off the top of my head. I'm going to have to try it tomorrow after I've gotten more sleep.
I found something I could use as a reference. It's not exactly what I did, as they are sitting on the ground, but maybe it will help.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
Day 9-10,

Day 9,

Over the weekend I was too happy to draw do to the drawfriend thing. Now today I am too tired and worn out to draw. How odd. Hopefully tomorrow I'll reach a productive average.

But here are some doodles that should have been posted yesterday, but the internet service was going ballistic.
These are some horrible lazy sketches, it's all over the place even for me.

Ignore the hand holding the wacom pen.
Look away! Look away!
It's not holding it right, granted, monster hands with pens are kinda hard to do, and I enlarged the pen. But this is no excuse to general sloppiness. Laziness all around.

Day 10,

Today I almost didn't draw anything. Actually I had this whole thing typed up and ready to go and then I thought, why not take thrity minutes and try to draw something as fast as possible. And here is sleeping AJ.
Good night everyone!

All looks good to me!

Hmm, haven't thought of what to draw for myself today.

Anyway, the main reason I came here, is that I found this neat little tutorial and thought people might want to take a look. Warning! Large images ahead!

Quote Originally Posted by Dexam View Post
Looks like I'm going to have to comment in here, too.

*whacks Diego Havoc with a sheaf of rolled up sketch paper* NO! Bad Artist!

You have learned from your experiment. You have stated as such. Therefore the experiment is a SUCCESS! The experiment only fails when you learn nothing. Now, take what you have learned and repeat the experiment. If you do not get the results you expect, learn from it and repeat the experiment again. The experiment only ends when you get exactly the results you anticipate. Are we clear on this?

*vanishes into the shadows once more*
Aiee! Okay, okay, I'll stop being negative! Geez!