Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
Holy crap, I never realized how fun DTs are when you incorporate them into a legitimate build instead of cheesing.

Can you guys critique me on timings and what not to make this build better? I want to do some DT harass, leave when he starts getting detection, merge them into Archons and then go for a big push while expanding behind it.

Edit: Attempt number 2. Please critique.
never use a pylon for part of your wall if you are going FFE

Also in that build you put down a forge then the nexus before gateway and cannon. also when going dts get a warp prism to warp in zealots with. Generally people wont notice the dts until its too late.

Scouting, send your first zealot to see what your opponent is doing. If you sense roach all in, make 3 more cannons to defend.