Quote Originally Posted by Dogmantra View Post
I suppose that AD carries DO do that, but then AD carries are all about the lategame, right? I just really appreciate that lifesteal is something that you need to combine with other items whereas spellvamp is standalone. Maybe saying lategame rather than midgame was a mistake. Think of like, Riven, for example. She could dive in, heal from attacks then when she got low hit her ult and get all her health back from hitting everyone. I think rather than making lifesteal apply to physical damage skills, it'd be better if there was a decent AD spellvamp item. I mean, Gunblade used to fill that niche for a couple of characters (mostly I'm thinking Pantheon here), and it certainly wasn't terribly underpowered or anything, just a little less than viable on characters with AP ratios.
I just hate the fact that practically all of the current AD itemization is useless for AD casters; there's a whole lot of solid items but you can use Brutalizer, Last Whisper and the Bloodthirster since those are the only mechanics properly transplanted over to AD casting from AD carrying.

Since AD casters already utilize the AD-tree itemization, I find it only logical to just take this to the logical conclusion, make the present itemization work for them and make them scale off the AD-tree abilities as opposed to making a weird hybrid-but-not-really-hybrid-but-mixed-ability-tree-items-because-we-could-not-be-arsed-to-take-the-logical-approach.

And the artificial boundary between Spear Throw and Spear Hit never made sense to me anyways. Why does throwing a spear proc Spellvamp while hitting with a spear procs Lifesteal? Even better, why does HSS-hitting with spear proc Spellvamp while normal hitting procs Lifesteal? And why does throwing a spear or shooting a gun cost mana? And why in the name of all that's sacred does Katarina do magic damage?