Quote Originally Posted by Ivellius View Post
You know, we need a good jungler who uses lasers. I was thinking about this when trying to figure out a good Team Beam Spam: IM FIRIN MAH LAZOR.

Carry: Lux/Ezreal
Support: Lulu/Lux
Solo Lanes: Xerath/Swain/Galio/Viktor

Wonder if I'm missing someone. Can anyone think of someone? Maybe Lulu can learn to jungle or something.
Fiddlesticks' drain.
Nocturne's fear, IIRC, creates a laser effect with the leash, and the DARKNESS makes for fun light shows.
Amumu's bandage. His ult is all light-based, if you don't think bandages are lasers (for whatever stupid reason).

If nothing else fits, Lee Sin the blind monk would be an amusing contrast to the rest of the team.

Others you may have missed:
Malzahar's ult is an eye laser, and I think his Q can be seen as lasers.
Morgana's ult fires beams.