Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
They share a main stat - AD - but their secondary stats are different. AD casters want spell vamp and CDR while auto-attackers want lifesteal* and AS. Many auto-attacker items are great for AD casters, but a few you're paying a good amount for AS that isn't worth it. And since AD casters weren't around when the item pool was designed, there aren't really items with AD and their secondary stats. The one I can think of - Brutalizer - was added later.

We don't need a second pool of items. Most of the AD caster and auto-attacker items WILL overlap. And, in fact, they can take from each others pool and will benefit. Really, I think an AD/spell vamp item is the one big gap.

*Yes, helps AD casters, too, but not as much.
There's also Crit Chance. But yeah; this is pretty much my point; synch the secondary stats outside the obvious CDR/ASpd (since the differences are fundamentally too deep to combine) and suddenly you cut the need for spellvamp items, extra CDR items, excessively high AD ratios and all that, and make the existing item base far more interesting for AD casters.