Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
For me, Lost. Started out as a basic castaway story: okay, sounds fun. Then the island is populated by supernatural stuff: okay, that works too. Then there are weird conspiracies, and hidden messages, and codes, and inexplicable stuff, and inhabitants of the island, and people are betraying each other and then they're not actually on the island except they are and . . . what?

I spent the first half of Season 1 trying to figure out the plot. Somewhere around the second half of Season 1 I realised that the writers didn't have a plot. They were just throwing more and more confusing stuff in there with no plan for making it all make sense. So I quit watching.

On a similar theme, the new Battlestar Galactica. It's such an awesome premise: the battlestar with its fleet of civilian ships containing the remnants of the human race, fleeing the Cylons who are trying to wipe them out. All they had to do was play it straight and it would have been an awesome series. But instead we get told over and over again that the Cylons Have A Plan, and this gets used to justify all kinds of inconsistent behaviour until no-one has the faintest idea what these guys are actually doing anymore. Just like Lost, it never gets explained in any way that makes sense.
I have come to the conclusion, Saph, that you are, in fact, me, but from some mirror universe where I live in London and have managed to get a publishing deal. (I had the exact same reactions to both Lost and BSG, in precisely the way you describe.)