Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
I'd be dead without them.
On balance, yes, I'd rather we had them than not. I was going to add that to my last post and didn't, but this is just more evidence.

Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
I don't feel like my antidepressants have done anything for me besides ruining my appetite. And taking away the ability to cry. Can't say much for my sexuality because yeah.
I wonder if I should try not taking them for a while. It's not like I'd kill myself, and at least I'd be able to eat.

Edit: Yeah, I guess I'll talk to the psychiatrist about it next time I see her.
No fair! I got your eating! Well, it might be the fatigue, since mostly between my fatigue flaring up and being put on the antidepressants, I slept, so maybe I was going to eat a load anyway. But since I went on the higher dose I've been putting weight on.

I think it's always a good idea to keep checking in with whoever it is (GP, consultant, psychiatrist) to make sure the dose is right. No point filling your body with random drugs if they're too little to solve the problem anyway or more than you need! Or wrong altogether. Or whatever.

Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
Must resist urge to sig that...
I could so easily get stuck!
Me: excited!
*excitement sigged*
Me: excited at excitement being sigged!*
*excitement sigged*
Me: excited at excitement being sigged!*
*excitement sigged*
Me: excited at excitement being sigged!*
... etc.

Based on previous observations, I have the capacity for repeated excitement at the same thing of a toddler.