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Thread: The Index of the Giant's Comments

  1. - Top - End - #320
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: The Index of the Giant's Comments

    The one problem with the quote is its lack of definitive information, essentially the Giant said Lol, Its a Secret.

    Really it all boils down to how far you read into the statement, because if the gods were telling the truth why would Rich say that, but it could simply be a red herring or statement to maintain mystique for a future plot arc.

    I'm not really for or against the inclusion, because it does have some merits as a quote from Rich and has the possibility of being used to prove points, but because it lacks definite info like other posts it can't be used to settle disagreements only fan them which is what I believe to be contrary to the intention of this index
    Last edited by DrBurr; 2012-03-19 at 11:16 PM.