Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
The colt groans a but when he wakes up...but not the head, he instictively raises it surprised, eyes wide....again
the sudden awakening startled him and he was about to back off, but he didn't after he seen they were friendlies.
"oh...sorry I....I had a nightmare...not much....I'm Sorry.....Is it day already?"
He slowly lowered himself back where he was, as a sign he was ok.
((I think it's late evening right now, not quite certain though))

"No," the guard simply states beginning to recall a vague description of a new arrival. His partner, an earth pony mare seems to peel off from the conversation to talk to somepony. "Have you eaten at all lately, other than grass?"

Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
Taylor - Civic Center

He blinks at the commotion as he steps in, and quietly prays something like 'why me every time?'.

"Is...this a bad time?"
One of the guards turns around and puts herself between what appears to be a colt-sized metal can talking to her partner and Taylor. "Just a disturbance, sometimes a refugee's first night in safety isn't quite smooth."