Quote Originally Posted by Elfinor View Post
I find the 'born this way' movement a little offensive, personally. The hatred and slander I heard (but mostly read) from LGBT people against Cynthia Nixon (who said that she had experienced male and female relationships, and chose to be a lesbian) was disgusting. She even explicitly stated that some people were born this way, but she was not. The most common comment types that I saw/heard were 'that's not helpful' and 'you'll never understand my pain!'. I wish I

I think 'born this way' is an acceptance crutch that people need to get rid of. It implies that we predetermined destiny once we pop out, and simply enables bigotry against a smaller minority - people who change over the course their lives. Identifying as another gender isn't wrong, whether you were born that way, been that way since puberty, choose it or just one day find it suits you the best.

If the biphobia I've experienced is any indication, you might experience some bigotry from the people who should be the most accepting. But I hope it all goes well.
I've said almost this exact thing in the past. Whether or not something is natural or voluntary doesn't affect whether it's tangibly harmful to other human beings. We wouldn't accept murder if murderers had no choice in their action, and we wouldn't condemn left handedness if it was purely optional. At least, most of us wouldn't these days. I wish I could say the same for previous generations of humans.