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Thread: LGBTAitP - Part 22: The Best There Is

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitP - Part 22: The Best There Is

    On the general topic of Musashi's rant:
    Come talk about my thesis on privilege, erasure, representation, etc. in queer studies.

    Share your ideas, feelings, experiences, questions, thoughts, concerns, baked goods, etc.

    i'll start out by explaining my thesis topic and showing some of what i've done so far. for a sneak peak, you can go to one of my thesis blogs, which is: [snip]

    then we will spend the rest of the time talking about queer studies as an academic discipline, accessibility of the texts, whitewashing of queerness, and more

    it will be a great time for sure

    snacks as always

    maybe ace credit, maybe not, let me know if you're into that

    also, this event is only open to individuals that identify as l,g,b,t,(or)q as my thesis is solely about queer perspectives & experiences

    ps please invite your friends!!
    Remember that talk on female sexuality I was kicked out of a couple of weeks ago? Well, the girl who ran that is giving a talk on her thesis, and this is the email she sent out.
    See that bolded bit?

    Clearly somebody has failed to understand the point of her own thesis. Preaching to the choir is rather pointless, so the only reason to write something like that is to spread awareness to other, more privileged groups. Intentionally excluding them kind of defeats the purpose.
    If you want to change the culture of privilege, power, and difference (book title), don't exclude the people who need to learn about their own privilege, and definitely don't alienate those people who realise their privilege and are trying to work with you to create equality.

    So, who wants to bet I won't be allowed in because asexual doesn't count as queer?

    Edit: I just realised she didn't even give a time or place, so my last question is kind of moot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
    In those same places, I learnt cracker was a derogatory term for white people, probably in reference to the cracking of whips of slave owners, something like that... I didn't see a definitive explanation beside "it's directed at white people".
    I love this site.
    Last edited by noparlpf; 2012-03-21 at 06:19 AM.
    Jude P.