Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
For me, it's got to be Heroes. The first season is absolutely fantastic, with an incredible plot, incredible characters, and enough mystery left to promise many more seasons to come.

Then season two happened. I'm not really sure where to start with the trainwreck, so I'ma just dive into this mess. I lost count of the number of conflicts that could've been trivially resolved if characters had just talked to each other. Not even that! Talked intelligently to each other. Instead of saying "Oh, that guy you're traveling with? He's bad and I need to kill him so could you just move aside please?", maybe consider, "Oh, that guy you're traveling with? He's planning to end the world, I can show you all this irrefutable evidence we found, so maybe he's been lying to you? And we should stab him now?" On top of that, characters go through the exact same character arc they went through the previous season (or at least try to) while others hatch convoluted, poorly-explained, and poorly-planned schemes to get nebulous rewards that ultimately escape their grasp. To their credit, they did get one good reveal in, but that was just about the only redeeming factor of the entire season. I stopped watching after that, and I heard that it only got worse from there.
Season 2? I'm afraid you've been fooled, sir. Heroes was tragically canceled after a single season, there was no second season.

I'll join the Buffy (season 6), Angel, and Lost boats. I've only watched the first 2 seasons of BSG, but from what I hear I'm not sure I want to watch the rest.

As for Andromeda, I remember really enjoying that show, watching it whenever I caught it on air. And then I saw some really weird episodes that seemed to have nothing to do witht he plot and realised I had stumbled into season 4. Read Coda, Robert Hewitt Wolfe's original intentions for the show, some time later, sadly never came to fruition.