Quote Originally Posted by Story Time View Post
Recognizing errors is an excellent step in correcting them!
Darn skippy.

Interesting name. Chufty. Try to say that, it sounds funny.
In my cultural sphere, 'chufty' is a descriptive phrase that refers to someone who's hard to move around/chunky.

The face in the image reminds me of the King of The Hill show. I hated that show. I stopped watching it very early. I really don't mean any offense, but that's what the lines remind me of.
I never watched that show myself.

Still, it looks good for a rush-rush. The lines are neat, even where Thanqol said, "I did it wrong; I know I did." And the guy actually does kind of look like a sumo. Net win is accurate. ( would have used a nod-nod emote, but it does not exist )

Day 309: Panopticon

Everyone should be watched and everyone should be afraid of being watched.

Another massive rush; got called into work today and such went all my drawtime. Minor errors, all stuff that could be corrected with another 20 minutes work.


Time: 20 mins
Music: Sunspots