Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
So I bought Lulu; I'm really loving her so far, but I would like to hear any general thoughts on how to skill / rune / mastery / itemize her that have been around so far?
I've been having really really good success with on-hit Lulu. I... really don't know why. I think her Q is bursty, and her W just makes you a terrifying 1v1 with some items.

I use gold quints, armor/gold yellows, AS/Mpen reds and MR per level/flat AP blues. Masteries are... 16/0/14 apparently, picking up havoc, flat AP, AS and greed.
(I like gold per level guys it's so fun)
Q does surprising damage and has decent range. Yay.
W is lovely lovely CC and gets you back to lane faster (why have I been focussing E second I'mma focus W)
E is useful for shield, but I use it the least
R obviously is excellent.

I start with a faerie charm, pots and a coupla wards, and go for philo stone and defensive boots. (Leaning towards tabi, cause my build has better MR it seems). Amplifying Tome>Malady, Null-magic Mantle-Wit's End, Madreds Razors, Recurve Bow>Bloodrazor, Shurelias, and I've been going for Trinity as the sixth just because ever stat on it is helpful.

...I am guilty of commenting on how cute/hot she is, but her showcases are just so nice because she seems to enjoy them.