Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
Kyle and John's reaction to Flash suggesting Guy Gardner join the JL was hilarious.
Oh yes, that was absolutely perfect. Possibly the best part of the entire episode for me. (Though it's Hal, not Kyle. Kyle Rayner is the only human GL who hasn't shown up in the series at this point.)

Anyway, I liked this one in general, though there is one thing that bugs me. Superboy having been partially constructed with human DNA to facilitate his cloning as an explanation for his lessened powers? Okay, I can go with that. Those patches "suppressing his human DNA" to give him full Superman powers? Uh, no. DNA does not work that way.

I liked the League debate though. Bringing up the questions of Captain Marvel and Doctor Fate's memberships, as well as exactly how age can fit as a membership criteria when you have so many odd cases among superheroes, good stuff. I kinda wish they'd given us some hint of what they decided at the end there though. Something is going to come of this, obviously, so they must have admitted someone new or kicked someone out (and I'd bet against the "kicked someone out" option), but it would be nice to have something to go on for speculation purposes.
