Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
It is...


No. No it is not very good at all I'm afraid. Quite a lot of these reconstructions are floating around, and they are a complete, if slightly scratchy, audio of the episode, along with as many production stills as are available and as much closed-captioning for actions as the fans working on those ones were willing to work on.

This results in wildly varying quality of work, based on a combination of how much effort people were putting into it, along with how fast-paced the episodes were. If an episode included the Doctor banging on the TARDIS for ten or fifteen seconds, f'rex, that is a rather boring ten or fifteen seconds.

I rather quickly reached the point where if two-thirds of the serial aren't complete, I disregard the whole thing and move along. Of the ones I've seen, the Ice Warriors was particularly good, because the fans actually edited two lost episodes down into one to keep things moving briskly, whereas the Power of the Daleks was absurdly unwatchable.
So they're basically fanvids then, and the same rules that apply to them apply to reconstructions?

Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
Technically he started with a couple of present-day Earthers, but they were boring and recruited by the First Doctor and inserted by the network because they thought the show needed a couple of hip modern teens so I don't care about them.
I've already aired my beef about the Nu series regarding this topic. Repeatedly.
Probably so much that people are sick of hearing it.
So yeah, new things are awesome. I'm identifying so much with Jamie who's from five hundred odd years in the past rather than say . . . Rose. Or MtM. Or Mickey. Or Zoe.

Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
While I have admittedly not seen a heck of a lot of her, due to all the lost episodes, I think she's more just a failure of a writing job.
Ugh. Writer failures are the worst.
It all depends. Some writer failures accidentally become awesome.
Sadly, most are just . . .
I don't even need to finish it off.

Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
True. I more meant that the Doctor being a time-traveling alien was a thing, but his time-traveling-alienness wasn't really any more special than the few other time travelers that he and his companions occasionally met.
So he's just one amongst the crowd rather than being the LORD OF ALL TIME AND DESCENDED FROM THOSE WHO INVENTED TIME!!11! yes?
I can dig that.

Quote Originally Posted by Friv View Post
I know, right? A single other Time Lord has been met, and the Doctor rather hilariously got super-angry at him for interfering with the societies he was interacting with, but no official word on their race or natures.
Classic Who is going to be so awesome you guys.
Also, I buy the irony of that situation compared with the Nu Doctors, (Hi Tennant!) can't say much about Classic Doctors, but I'm guessing the Temporal/Prime Directive gets sunk fairly quickly.
Case in point: 'Genesis of the Daleks'.