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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [MLP FiM] Bridle Shores Out of character thread 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    I'm cool with it happening.


    Gwynfillion wouldn't make the first move here to adopt the foal that was once upon a time a stallion from 1000 years ago who through shenanigans became the evil tank that was Simmer, that she released, accidentally-on-purpose.

    So the hard part is figuring out how she ends up with Garion as her ward
    Idea: She sees the foal as a purified Simmer. As in, something that was a part of the Dark Forces (sorta kinda not really), but is now completely free. Beyond their control.

    She might find that worthwhile of study. Just has a pesky foal attached to it.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2012-03-24 at 10:50 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.