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Thread: LGBTAitP - Part 22: The Best There Is

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitP - Part 22: The Best There Is

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    Ugh, I know, right? I just don't understand it. The only thing I would put in whiskey is a drop of hot water if I'm sick. Otherwise, neat all the way.

    Helio is much more patient than I am. If someone tried saying that I should try to have perspective because at least I'm not losing family members to flooding, I would be angry. Since we're not telepathic, for all we know, Helio's gender dysphoria is worse than losing a dog.

    I still recommend some kind of meditation. Some way of acknowledging the thoughts and then letting them go away. I really think that you'll find the right balance over a couple of cycles, as you become more familiar with your "end points". It hasn't been very long, so you can definitely sort out the name situation. I'd say keep a list of nice, gender neutral names; ones that you think could work for you when you're more masculine as well as more feminine. Since you seem to oscillate quite quickly, you should be able to think about the name as feminine-Helio, midpoint-Helio and masculine-Helio to try it out.
    This. Losing a dog would be sad and all, but it probably wouldn't be "arg my head why does nothing feel right" in the same way. And mourning is finite in duration. Sooner or later, you get over it. There is every possibility that I'm going to be dealing with this my entire life.

    Kender, I know nothing about meditation. How would I go about learning that?

    As for my speed of oscillation, it's usually over a cycle of months. I have noticed before though that having a girlfriend tends to stabilise me on male, and yesterday I realised that a rather attractive (though sadly unavailable) girl was interested in me, activating the same parts of my brain and kicking me unceremoniously back towards male. See the RWA thread for more details.
    Last edited by Heliomance; 2012-03-25 at 06:39 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    The only person in the past two pages who has known what (s)he has been talking about is Heliomance.
    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    I just don't want to have long romantic conversations or any sort of drama with my computer, okay? It knows what kind of porn I watch. I don't want to mess that up by allowing it to judge any of my choices in romance.

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