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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City II: Electrokinesis Is Love~

    When Moroe made her way back to the hospital room, she would have found Shougo intently running through his ninjutsu forms. He was so absorbed in it and the performance afforded by his newly healed body, in fact, that he did not even notice Moroe entering the room until she spoke. When she did, Shougo suddenly snapped to attention, flushing and stuttering briefly.

    "A...Ah, of course, Ishimaru-senpai!"

    Shougo took a deep breath, calming himself, and noting with approval the absence of that unnatural being with dead eyes (in addition to the little girl who was clearly not right in the head). Offhandedly, he wondered where they were, or rather, where Moroe left them. He hoped they were not in any place to cause trouble; that would be improper, and would inconvenience Moroe. Moroe might note that the window was open now, the crisp spring breeze entering in through the window and ridding the room of its' formerly hot, clammy air. Faint murmurs from other conversations, many floors down, filtered through to the room that they were currently in.

    "What are we going to do now, senpai?"

    As he finished this sentence, Moroes' phone began vibrating in her pocket-She was being called once again. And judging by the stares, Shougo noticed it too. If she decided to pick it up, she'd have noted that this was from that Kyoto number from earlier-Most likely that Fumiko girl. There was a brief click, and then an unmodulated voice. Yep, it was her again.

    "Oh no, that video I sent you wasn't enough, was it? It was a copy of a clip from the original security camera, I didn't realise that quality would be quite that bad...It was incorrect of me not to take a good look at it first, but I was desperate."

    There was a pause as the speaker on the other end braced themselves near-audibly for the earful that they would no doubt receive from Moroe. When it was over, the voice continued.

    "I'm really sorry...But I think I've found a way to get more concrete evidence. I'll need your help, though; if you're willing. You see, Daisuke is hosting a big party tonight at his penthouse in District Six because my Jounouchi-kun's back. Normally, that place is locked up with so many defenses - Security guards with guns, and all. You'd be crazy to try to break in, correct? But tonight...He's letting almost all of them down so that some fool from the party doesn't trip them off incorrectly.

    But I'll get to the point, should I? He keeps all his recorded videos and stored data in a room on the third floor, if I am correct and I know I am on this count. None of them are connected to the internet, so I cannot access them; but I know they're there. In particular, there's this one camera that would be of interest to you, the one that was actually recording the murder. If I'm correct, it's a chrome blue Nikon video camera with a red sticker still stuck on it.

    And here's where I'll come in, if you're willing to accept my help...I'll distract the partygoers, and on your signal-I'm the only technopath there, if I'm correct, so it'll be alright-I'll set off the fire alarms and blitz the security cameras. That'll make everyone go outside, and if I'm correct, you'll have about five minutes to nab the camera and any other incriminating evidence you want-There's a lot, if I'm correct. Then you have to make a quick exit."

    This time, she didn't hang up. She was waiting for Moroes' response, and her voice was tense and nervous-But resolute. 'Fumiko' could have walked away with what she had-She already had her boyfriend returned to her; but she didn't. This was obviously important to her, and something that she felt she had to do.
    Last edited by Lord-Cao-Cao; 2012-03-25 at 09:38 AM.