Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
I had... A really bad day yesterday. Pretty much the worst day to be reliving the worst days of my life on. I'm a little better now, but I still need to vent so I'm posting the rant I was too sleepy to double-check.

Definite trigger warning... :/
I just had... A terrible day. I went walking at the lake (which, honestly, is more of a swamp) with my sister and cousin. And that was great... Until we turned to go back.

First, I asked them to start calling me Bianca (and therefore stop calling me Scott)... Only to hear that they were still calling me Aislin, but only when talking about me doing girly things when near certain people. So, they've been using it as an alias instead of as my name.

... Then they didn't. They kept using "he" and "Scott".

... Then I asked to take a break for a bit because my pants were making me itchy. They asked why, I said that they're really baggy. They told me to wear tighter clothes, I responded that it's really unpleasant to go clothes-shopping with my parents. Then my sis said to get a license, and I noted that my parents are just not willing to do that (for some reason that is most often cited as having to do with money (somehow)) and that I can't just get one where I am.

Somehow the argument reached the subject of my obesity, and she told me that I would be in better shape if I exercised more as a child.

You don't go there. I. Exercised. Constantly. With no visible results to speak of aside from good lungs and a morbid phobia of treadmills. I ended up cussing her out in all of three sentences.

... And then my flashbacks got more vivid. They depressed me, and the depression made me not care about discomfort. I walked so hard on the way back to the car it bruised both of my feet (and temporarily numbed two of my toes).

... It only got worse from there. And it seems they have me confused for a drag queen, or I've somehow failed to communicate how much it hurts to be called by that name. And my nails have to go without polish, and I cried for quite a while (which ironically would've been less unpleasant if I hadn't trimmed my nostrils this morning ).

And I feel terrible. Just, terrible.

Sorry about all of that, I just really needed to vent.

I should feel better tomorrow...
Well that just sucks. *hugs*