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Thread: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Bristol, PA

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Alcaeus nods to Berenike, taking her hand to shake it, and smiling to the crowd a la "photo opp" style. He beams broadly, whispering in Common Grecian out the side of his mouth, "Great! Can't wait to have a friendly race with you, Damien. Oh, and be careful on being too cahky with your stealth. I didn't have you pinpointed, but I sensed you there before you ever showed. There may be creatures we face with even more refined senses who can target you with no effort or training while you're pulling out all the stealth-stops."
    Last edited by PSinger; 2012-03-26 at 01:02 AM.
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