I apologized to my sister just now... I had good reasons to be upset, but I did snap at her. She hasn't responded yet, though. :/


Aaand I just remembered that dream where my parents cut my hair in my sleep. Granted, it was a really good haircut (I should've realized it was a dream at that point), but it was also really convincing. I was so relieved when I woke up and found my hair where I left it. :shudder:

... Then there were those ones I got when I was reconnecting with my emotions. Those were... Wow. Those were epically messed up. Like, 'Freudian imagery permuted with every element of body-themed horror ever' messed up. Wait, that was just the first two - still, though, the others actually topped those.

... Those were pretty cool in hindsight, though. Like, the way scary movies and whatnot are. 'Rage' was especially awesome (I still have trouble believing that so many super-predators' body parts could fit together so well on such a humanlike frame).

Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
I have a recurring dream where I shower in stars, and entropy is the shower drain. And then it gets too abstract to properly describe, but it is epic.

Also vaguely LGBT related. Towards the end of it I usually wind up having sex (in the most abstract, and entirely non-physical way possible) with everyone. No exceptions. And then giving birth to myself, with the cosmos as a byproduct.
Cool... @_@

Quote Originally Posted by Trilby View Post

Damn, the only time something that awesome happenned to be me was when I started having lucid fever dreams and halucinated a bit.

I was running around a volcano with a bunch of paladins who kept forming factions and attacking each other trying to get a magic sword. I kept getting up to go get water because for some reason, the paladins needed water.

Then I woke up properly and stumbled to my bean bag where I started to converse with the weather. Not things like the sun etc, more like North eastly wind with a spot of rain or light cloudcover over Manchester.
That could have so many symbols if it were used out of context.

What did the weather have to say? I never knew they were conversationalists.

Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
Last time, I had a pretty incoherent and normal dream turn into some horrible nightmare a la "And then there were none", except set in the Cthuhlu mythos, apparently, because the victims were killed in what I could only describe as an event of "reality going haywire". It started when the room we were in started getting completely weird and creepy, and when the first people started letting out bloodcurdling screams, we got out as fast as we could without even looking and never opened the damn room again. We knew that would happen again, but the rituals to avert this were very obscure, and we had no idea if they even worked.
I woke up briefly but fell asleep again immediately, and I was back inside the dream, lucid and conscious, but unable to wake up. Reality glitched a couple times again, I was terrified.
When I woke up for good, I had an euphoric, newfound appreciation for the stable, tangible reality of, well, reality.

TL;DR: Nyarlathotep tried to crash my dream.
Oh, if I had a nickle for every time... *hugs*

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
I thought my descent into maleness was a lot faster and more sudden than I normally shift identity. Apparently it was just a day or so's glitch, almost certainly caused by the aforementioned flirting, and today I'm back to feeling girly. And really happy, too - I'm starting to enjoy a female identity
*Hugs* That's good to hear. Er, read. Reassuring to know.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
I forget if I've posted this picture in this thread before, but I used it in a silly message board game -- my native part of the forum -- just now and it gives me so much pleasure I have to put it here too.


So this is my favourite photograph out of the archives I manage. It's from a college in the late 20s. Apparently the administration was implementing gender-segregated seating at college dinners, so some of the students dressed in drag and went as other guys' dates... in protest.

I love it so much. ;___; Look how happy they are, as if the protest allowed them an expression that had already been dying to come out.
That made my day.

Quote Originally Posted by Lyesmith View Post
In other news, I think I've snagged myself a gentleman. Of course, nothing official, but neither of us is exactly playing it cool. How does one tell, exactly? When are these things made concrete?
*High-five* Good for you.

Where do babies come from?
Well, when a man and a woman and a sentient android curious about its own existence love each other very much...

Speakin' of, it occurs to me that "android" doesn't properly describe human-shaped robots (considering that said robots do not necessarily have to be masculine-formed) - I propose calling them "anthroids", both for gender neutrality and because I think that word sounds cool.

Quote Originally Posted by Triscuitable View Post
I've got a date this Friday!