Quote Originally Posted by Sith_Happens View Post
Okay, so I think the Inquisitor officially wins the "best dialogue" award, if only for the Spreading the Word mission on Nar Shaddaa.

This is a side quest available in the Network Security District while you're doing the bonus series. You're tasked with escorting an Imperial speaker past Hutt security so he can broadcast from a major Holonet hub server, then delivering the speech yourself after he get stomped by droids in a cutscene.

At that point, you can either:
1. Deliver the pre-written speech, described by the quest giver as "a message of intimidation."
2. Deliver a distinctly less intimidating speech (I assume), preview text: "This is a message of peace..."
3. Deliver a personal speech specific to your class.

I picked the last option (preview text for Inquisitors: "Galaxy, I am your master!"), and was treated to one of the single most awesome pieces of writing I've ever heard. All in all, it made me feel just a little bit like this.

Here are the few bits and pieces I can remember right now of the speech, which runs for about 45 seconds total:

"I know you can hear me! ... Your fear endears you to me, it makes me strong. I rose from slavery to become Sith, and soon I will rise to be your lord and master. ... Creatures of the galaxy! ... You will know my name!"

As you might guess, not only did I not think to record this until it was too late, but after an hour or two of searching it seems that no one else has done it for me.

So, I am putting out an official request to the Playground, with a reward of OVER 9000 Internets: Could anyone with an Inquisitor that has not done this mission please do it, choose the bottom dialogue option on the "Deliver the Speech" step, and film the outcome?
The best thing about this is that it's not even out of character of neutral Inquisitors. Grey Inquisitor is such a troll.