Moroe shied away from Shougo's gaze, along with as his words; Not the ones swearing revenge on those who had wronged him (which were like an old, familiar tune that she knew by heart). No, it was his words of gratitude which made her look away. She unconsciously took a step back, as if trying to gain some breathing room. Despite being in a spacious area, her partner suddenly seemed uncomfortably close.

"Did he just call me 'Moroe'? He's never done that before. What's with this weird atmosphere?"

There was a strange aura surrounding Shougo at the moment; It felt disturbingly similar to the one which always emanated from Hajime. She really needed to have a talk with her two shining knights, before this misplaced devotion grew any stronger. Until then, Moroe tried her best to ignore it and focus on the task at hand.

"Save the thanks for after we win. Now, let's start planning our strategy..."

And so they did. For perhaps the first time since they met, Moroe and Shougo had the chance to work as equal partners again. One had a (rather suspiciously) large amount of expertise about infiltrations in general, while the other knew the specifics of this one particular target. They genuinely needed each other to construct the ideal plan. When at last they were done, all that remained was to memorize every detail, pick up some equipment (which Moroe just so happened to have at home), and set off to utterly destroy the life of a man for whom retribution was long overdue. All in all, it promised to be a rich, full evening.

Quote Originally Posted by KerfuffleMach2 View Post
Krystal watches Kin with awe in her eyes. Clearly, she was in the presence of a master.

She offers to help Kin in any way she can.
Not wanting her friend to feel left out, Kin found some useful things for Krystal to do. After a while her adrenaline high started to fade, and she settled down to sew with far less bounce than before.

"That's the trouble with long jobs like this: No matter how dramatically you start them, they never stay that way for long. At first it's all 'Leap! Bang! Whap! Zollop!'; But all too soon it's just someone sitting on a bed going 'clickety-clack' over and over while their very bored friend watches them do it...'