Quote Originally Posted by Anyr View Post
Not wanting her friend to feel left out, Kin found some useful things for Krystal to do. After a while her adrenaline high started to fade, and she settled down to sew with far less bounce than before.

"That's the trouble with long jobs like this: No matter how dramatically you start them, they never stay that way for long. At first it's all 'Leap! Bang! Whap! Zollop!'; But all too soon it's just someone sitting on a bed going 'clickety-clack' over and over while their very bored friend watches them do it...'
Krystal gives a short laugh. Well, for one thing, I never said I was bored.

However, it is usually a good idea to take a break from long projects. Otherwise your brain starts to leave ya.
She stands up and stretches her arms out. We could grab a bite to eat.