Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
"Not in front of the colt. You'll give him the impression that I am hardheaded." said the unicorn. He tapped the cast and lifted his head proudly. "Not the first time I got a boo-boo."

"But, it would be telling the truth,"
She smiled, like really smiled from since this morning. She stood up from her haunches and took a few steps towards him. She gave Grills a little nuzzle, a heavy feeling on her heart drifting away. "I know it isn't the first time you got a 'boo boo'." Then her expression turned serious. "I'm glad you're okay Grills." She closed eyes, her head underneath his chin, making sure her horn wasn't poking him of course.

At the top of the stairs is another podium. This one displays a blue button and a knob with numbers starting from 0 to 10. As with the other, the is no general layer about what will happen if the button is pressed or the knob turned.

"Why do i feel like I'm in the haunted tower again?"
She sighed. But, she was a curious mare, so she turned the knob, setting it on 10.