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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Default Re: [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic] Bridle Shores, General Town thread 7

    Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
    "I wonder how it managed to stay up that long."

    Digging for the door wasn't much of a problem compared to finding the door in the first place, so Night Jewel decided she might as well search the room for anything of interest before trying to get out. Possible things included dolls she hadn't actually been given descriptions of that she couldn't see anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Why do i feel like I'm in the haunted tower again?"
    She sighed. But, she was a curious mare, so she turned the knob, setting it on 10.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy trotted up the stairs, the doll safely perched on his back. Finally, something had gone relatively smoothly. They could get the doll back, nopony would get hurt, just a nice, easy...

    And then Gear had to go and push another button. Sandy moaned and hung his head. "Why do I even bother?" he muttered under his breath.

    A trio of transparent tubes descend onto the three ponies. Night Jewel never makes it to the door.

    As quick as a frog can spit, the tubes suck up Gearstride, Sandy Shores, and Night Jewel. One screen wipe and a crazy tube slide montage later, all three ponies along with a doll for three of them are shot out of the house and into the air.

    "But, it would be telling the truth,"
    She smiled, like really smiled from since this morning. She stood up from her haunches and took a few steps towards him. She gave Grills a little nuzzle, a heavy feeling on her heart drifting away. "I know it isn't the first time you got a 'boo boo'." Then her expression turned serious. "I'm glad you're okay Grills." She closed eyes, her head underneath his chin, making sure her horn wasn't poking him of course.
    "No need to worry. I'm a tough pony." Grills gave Gwynfillion a one legs hug and kissed her horn. "How is your colt? Is he hungry? I can make sandwiches."
    Last edited by Orzel; 2012-03-28 at 10:42 PM.
    Gitp's No. 1 Cake hater
    On Vacation until Aug 7th.
    Spell currently researching: Explosive Pie.
    Weapon currently crafting: +1 cakebane kris