Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post


It went about as well as expected. Which is to say, he dug a trench about fifty hooves long before coming to a stop, still holding the two dolls over the pile of dirt that hid his face.
Needless to say, it didn't take very long to find Sandy, it almost like he was holding himself a buzzing neon sign. She took to a gallop, eventually coming across the faux-pegasus, her expression a mix of concern and utter amusement.

"Hey buddy, you okay? Did you invoke the rule of cartoons?"
She poked at the blue stallion with her muzzle.


Garion stepped a little closer, smiling back at Grills. "Th-thanks. My name's Garion." He poked and tugged at Gwyn's leg to get her attention. "Um, Miss Gwyn? Can I come home too?"
She looked down at the foal staring at him for a second. "I uh, well yes, you'll be living with me."

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Sure you did..." Icy said wryly, glancing at the fallen copy of Dance Today on the floor beside him. "Come on, let's go get some lunch. I hope Simmer has the courtesy to wait." Poor Icy didn't know that particular plot line was already resolved like one thread ago.
He yawned one more time, trying to wake himself up at the moment. He licked her cheek, following with one more yawn. "Yes...let's get lunch....Simmer can....something negative here....well, your place or my place? I don't think restaurants are opened, since, evacuation and all that."