Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Ya can walk it off compadre,"
She said giving him a hoof to help him up. "If ya want to get the taste of dirt out yer mouth, ah can always get you some fruit leather." She grinned.
Sandy turned a lovely shade of green at the mention of that food which shall not be named. "Ughhh...let's just find Night Jewel." He trotted off, not really in the mood to joke around. He couldn't even fetch a doll today without getting his flank handed to him on a silver platter.

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
She glanced at the foal, furrowing her brows for a second, before softening them up again. "Yes, Mister Grills is coming with us, he's going to take us there, and rest a bit as well." The last part she said a little sternly at Grills. Plus Sugar was there, and surely the pup missed her daddy.
Again, the foal nodded. "Ohhh, okay." He squirmed and fidgeted, another question just so desperately wanting to come out. He gave Gwyn's leg another tug. "Um, Miss Gwyn? Are you and Mister Grills married?"