Otrino's frustration is something Selia is keenly aware of, although at first she is unsure as to why. Once she is fairly confident of the root of his unhappiness, she finds an opportunity, perhaps as they leave Zadsa with the priest, to take him aside and quickly explain how they met the man. Before we went to the caravan we worked for a merchant here in Galsaff, Zadsa's father, to find him. We found tunnels blocked by illusions so that the priest could not see them and followed them to where they ended outside the city. We had a short skirmish with a small group of villagers against attacking raiders and then tracked the boy to the Dark Wood. We fought some undead and freed him from the well he had trapped himself in before returning to the tunnels. On the way back we met the priest in his room which the tunnel passed through. Without thinking much about it, Selia gestures during her explanation. The gestures become particularly quick during the more action-packed parts of her tale, throughout which she keeps a, by normal standards, rather charming smile on her face.

As the elf mentions scrolls, Selia's thoughts jump to magic, which leads her to... If we're going to be staying here to shop, I think we should get a healing wand. I'm sure that, with my talents, I could use its energy, Selia's tone shows self confidence, although it's clear that she's avoiding sounding arrogant. With that, I could keep us all uninjured while preserving my own, more limited, powers for other things, turning to Melchia, Selia considers him with a slightly unusual expression for a moment before speaking again, once again addressing the entire group. It's probably a good idea to get everything we might need in one go. Then we can spend as little time as possible finding out if they have enough money for these things in Galsaff, as well as less time trekking back and forth.

With both good Charisma and Wisdom (especially the +7 sense motive modifier), I think it'd make sense for Selia to be able to identify the cause of Otrino's annoyance and do something to alleviate it.