Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
Well, largely I play games with my daughter when I have the time." Soft responds.

"That does sound particularly dull, what are some other things you do, surely that wouldn't be all?"
She asked.

"Thank you." she says, though she doesn't seem particularly flattered. She just continues to sip her drink and wait for the food while humming the song.
And then food was served as Feather Duster and a few other servants came in and brought them on trays, Mystic's special order as requested. Balboa glanced Peachy and gestured for her to come over to him.

"Anyhoof, thank you Feather Duster and nameless NPCs, give my regards to Chef Julienne,"
He told Feather Duster who gave a small smile.

"Of course sir," And with that Feather Duster and the nameless NPC servants skedaddled out leaving Balboa, Mystic and the girls, to have noms.