Shougo stopped to think about Moroes' question, a little taken aback by how she was willing to invite him to her place. Whilst he certainly had no intention of invading her privacy uninvited, the level of trust she seemed to show was unexpected. But then again, she had already done all these things for him, undeserving as he was; he truly was in her debt.

He was also surprised, pleasantly so, that Daisuke had apparently decided that Moroe was not worth the trouble; he was afraid that they would have targetted her especially and potentially put her well-being at risk.

"Hmm...Well, I would much like to gather my equipment first before we set off-Additionally, ah, I have drawn maps and plans of the building we are to infiltrate. They should be in my room. In addition, senpai, my house is close by here-It will not take very long at all. If that is okay with you, senpai."