Quote Originally Posted by Keveak View Post
The bloody footprints should be easily noticeable by the Deathclaw, marking a clear line towards the forest. If it wasn't obvious that Lucy must have moved on her own accord to get out, it would almost look as if she had been dragged by something, or dragged her feet as if in some manner of trance.

Just as Bill should notice this, a white-dressed figure becomes visible from behind one of the distant trees, falling quite violently as if something had attacked it.
It disappears too quickly to be seen clearly, but it could very well be the nurse!

If Andy returns to the monitor, the robot should still be following Lucy. However, a strong white noise might disturb the signal. But even if not, a strong gust of wind seem to have blown about fallen leaves and paper, one piece flying straight for the robot's camera.

It's almost as if it is attempting to obscure it's view.
[Andy's Room] -> [Somewhere else]

There is no monitor he needs to look. Andy is a cyborg. That's also the cause he didn't fall asleep like Bill.

Not sure what a strong white noise is (mainly because I can't imagine a colored sound) the signal keeps active missing a few pictures. The robot will like a human try to catch the leave before reaching his camera.

Andy sights. He knew this won't got well. He checks the ring on his hand, closes the doors in his room and then fly out of the room straight through the wall directly to the place his robot is.