Quote Originally Posted by Triscuitable View Post
What the hell is wrong with some people these days?
Cultures are clashing in war, hatred and ignorance come face-to-face with idealism and expectations, priviledge still reigns supreme to empathy, the media perpetuates ideas that risk trivialised murder and reality television is on the rise. It almost looks like every step up is followed by an avalance back to the mountain's root.

But, while the world is a gloomy and dark place, we are still moving forward. Slavery is disappearing, voting rights are more equal than ever and freethinking is growing in the public eye. So no matter how cruel and miserable the world can look, it does not have to be hopeless.

... Wow, sorry for suddently getting that dark. I seem to be quite poor at being cheery when comparing pros and cons. ._.

I will just leave my image of Queerkitty here and stop before I end up depressing myself. ^_^'