Quote Originally Posted by LordofBones View Post
Regarding Xykon, he's capable of casting 12th level spells (maximized energy drain). His minimum level is 26 for him to be able to cast Epic Spells plus taking Improved Spell Capacity three times.
The problem is Xykon later used a Still Meteor Swarm in a situation where he shouldn't be able to, so it doesn't fit neatly into the epic rules, and since we don't know what Rich was thinking at this point, we can't note it right now.

Quote Originally Posted by LordofBones View Post
Also the drow wizard in the linear guild has Improved Familiar to account for his imp.
This was disputed because of the idea that Qarr is not actually a Familiar, but only pretending to be on the IFCC's orders, Qarr's statements about his plans overrulling Z's assertion about having a familiar.