Quote Originally Posted by Draconi Redfir View Post
Reposting something from awhile ago, trying to get an Avatar lineup in my signature with each avatar made by a different avatarist, so I’d prefer it if one avatarist didn't make multiple of these, with exception to possibly the twins. If you need any references, just look at my current avatar, the avatars in my signature (under the spoiler) or this image kindly done by Domo for the low-low price of fourteen bucks If you can't get an answer for any questions you may have from those, your always welcome to PM me or somesuch.

Arttin Redfir (The Protector)
Equipment: Bugbear Brassdagger on her left fist (knuckles?) in either form, simple cloth sleeveless shirt and shorts (Light brown, possibly a little torn up at the edges, feel free to add decor such as a coloured hemline or something). Also has a light blue/bluegreen belt around her waist (viper belt, +2 vs poison) and a bundle of owlbear feathers tied to her left arm just under her shoulder.
Any other notable features: (scars, tattoos, etc.) Her entire right arm is gone, not even a stump left as it was cut off at the torso after an owlbear tore the rest of it off when she was three. Her left arm on the other hand, is very beefy, not a simple stick-figure arm. the rest of her body is also highly muscular, but to a lesser degree to her arm which was the focus of her training. Has Red eyes.
X If their skin is a special color, add that: No visible skin, but red fur covering her body from head to toe.
Hair color: darker shade of red, probably cut pretty short. i'm imagining it kinda messy, but she also seems like the type to keep it neat so it's artist choice.
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Monk
X Pose you would like your avatar to be in: unknown, either a fighting-pose, flexing, or possibly a standing-on-one-leg meditating pose.

Euav'Ogsit Redfir (The Wise) (I believe Fullbladder is working on this one.)
Gender: Male
Equipment: Elvin Javelspear(s) (Stored in green golf Ammo bag when not in hands) in either form when in hands, in javelin form in bag. Also wearing a silver breastplate over a cloth shirt (brown again probably feel free to change) and pants. Wooden holy symbol of Pharasma on a necklace around his neck.
Any other notable features (scars, tattoos, etc.) : He is fifty years old, very old for his kind. As such his fur, hair (eyes?) have begun to fade and are no longer as bright as they are on the younger bugbears. What this exactly entails i don’t know, either reddish grey or greyish red... not sure.
X If their skin is a special colour, add that: no visible skin, but Faded red fur covering his entire body from head to toe.
Hair color: probably somewhere between red and grey, kept short and neat.
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Cleric
X Pose you would like your avatar to be in: Probably hunched over, using a Javelspear in it's longspear form for support. or a battle/better pose if you can think of one, I’m not fussy.

Respelga Redfir (The Wild) Done be Ceika
Gender: Female
Equipment: Bugbear Triaxe in any form (Battleaxe is always in right hand), Simple animal-hide armor.
Any other notable features (scars, tattoos, etc.): None that i can think of, but is probably going to look very very pissed due to severe anger management issues. Red eyes.
X If their skin is a special colour, add that: No visible skin, but Red fur covering her entire body head to toe.
Hair color: Darker Red, probably long ish, going down to the bottom of the neck, maybe in a mullet.
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Barbarian
X Pose you would like your avatar to be in: UNFATHOMABLE RAGE!!!! Or you know, battle/other pose. Still not picky.

Nahey Redfir (The Trickster) ((Twin, can be drawn by the same artist as Nihey))
Gender: Male
Equipment: Drow Dark curve blade(magic), leather armor, hand crossbow and ammo hanging from waist/hip or somewhere.
Any other notable features (scars, tattoos, etc.): Nahey is actually underage at ten when bugbears become adults at thirteen. Because of this he is shorter then usual, not sure how this would translate into stick figures since they are still about as tall as an average human though. Red eyes. May have black trimmings or decorations on his armor. Black bead necklace,
X If their skin is a special color, add that: No visible skin, but red fur that covers him head to toe.
Hair color: Darker red, short and messy.
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Rogue
X Pose: you would like your avatar to be in unsure, probably any battle/other pose the artist may like, facing to the right and wielding his sword two-handed if the artist is drawing both twins.

Nihey Redfir (The Prankster) ((Twin, can be drawn by the same artist as Nahey))
Gender: Female
Equipment: Elven Light curve blade(magic), leather armor, hand crossbow and ammo hanging from waist/hip or somewhere.
Any other notable features (scars, tattoos, etc.): Nihey is actually underage at ten when bugbears become adults at thirteen. Because of this she is shorter then usual, not sure how this would translate into stick figures since they are still about as tall as an average human though. Red eyes. May have white trimmings or decorations on her armor. White bead necklace.
X If their skin is a special color, add that: No visible skin, but Red fur covering her entire body from head to toe.
Hair color: Darker red, long and neat (unsure of specific style, so just go wit what you like, if you need one, go with a ponytail.)
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Rogue
X Pose you would like your avatar to be in: unsure, probably any battle/other pose the artist may like, facing to the left and wielding her sword two-handed if the artist is drawing both twins.

Jaxion Redfir (The Leader)
Gender: Male
Equipment: Bugbear Chainstar in either form, Heavy wooden shield in off-hand if chainstar is in morningstar form. Plate armor (Never did figure out what kind, it's masterwork, gives a +8 AC bonus but a -4 Armor check, plus it was found in 3.5 but the character is now in pathfinder and the armours changed a little bit sooo... no idea. if i need to pick one, I’ll say half-plate because it matches the pathfinder AC bonus), a Belt of giant strength
Any other notable features (scars, tattoos, etc.): Small scar across his left eye, not sure how you would want to show that, if it must be made a colour that is not red to be visible, just make it a shade or orange or something. He's also the oldest member of the party sans Euav, so maybe some facial hair? a short Goatee maybe? Sideburns? Feel free to experiment and see what looks good. Red eyes, not wearing a helmet.
X If their skin is a special color, add that: No visible skin, but Red fur covering him head to toe.
Hair color: Darker red, unsure about hair style, short and neat probably.
Race: Bugbear
X Class: Fighter
X Pose you would like your avatar to be in: Any, fighting/other pose, doesn’t matter.

Sorry if i sound a little indecisive on most of these, if more specific detail is needed you can always just ask.

Posting this again to see if any newer artists are interested.