Quote Originally Posted by mangosta71 View Post
Wow. I was expecting a question about some old camp movie that I've never heard of rather than a fairly recent one that I've actually seen.

I remember this scene for a couple reasons. One, they way they handled this bit of exposition about the world was a complete non-sequitur. I felt that it would have been better during the introduction rather than as an interruption in Evey's story. Two, I was waiting for Natalie Portman to reappear onscreen. Three, the person in question shared a name with the leading female role of Phantom of the Opera. Thus, her name was Christine.
Well, now we have a point of debate.

In the movie, twas said thusly, "In 2002 I fell in love with a girl named Christina. That year I came out to my parents. I couldn’t have done it without Chris holding my hand." ref here

In which case I must disagree.

In the comics, it was written thusly, "In 1976 I stopped pretending and took a girl called Christine home to meet my parents. A week later I enrolled at drama college. My mother said I broke her heart." ref here

In which case I would have to agree.

However, since every question has been about a movie, then I must go with the movie, and I must therefore disagree with Mangosta.