It's collection* Bluff time! I have +7 9. Diplomacy is +6 8, if relevant.

Alright, Domain Power time. +4 Cha for one minute.

Also: Soooo much mooooneyyyy. Too bad Selia has her mind set on this. Oh, well, here we go.

*This is such an obscure reference I will be seriously amazed if any of you know what I'm talking about.

Something about Selia changes - it isn't immediately clear what, but she seems more confident now, her posture and speech filled with all but inhumanly persuasive strength. I'm not sure if you're telling us the whole story - you see, not long ago we actually saw him and he mentioned his mother. While I'm not keen on poking my nose into family business, understanding exactly what happened is important - if he is, say, searching for his mother then knowing where she is and why he is doing so will allow us to find him, Selia's tone retains a slight friendliness, but it's clear that she's unhappy with Chastos' deception.